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Accommodation Angels

Accommodation Concern Membership

Welcome to our Membership Scheme.

Accommodation Concern is a charity with its governance through a board of trustees who are elected from the membership at our AGM and co-opted as required.

Membership is open to anyone who supports the aims and objectives of Accommodation Concern.

Benefits of Membership

You will receive regular membership updates, with more in-depth information, about the work and plans of Accommodation Concern.

You will have opportunities to be involved with activities/volunteering.

Member Events (may include):

  • Invitation to our members-only events
  • Invitation to our members-only feedback forums
  • Priority invitation to open events
  • Have a say by voting at the Annual General Meeting

Membership Donation/Fee

There is no mandatory membership fee however a suggested donation of £10 per person per year towards the cost of running the organisation would be welcomed.

Apply for Membership

To apply for membership please click the link below.

Apply today

Agreed Practices and Legal Considerations

Accommodation Concern must hold an AGM each year for legal reasons and current members will be invited.

To be able to vote, membership will have to have been in place for 3 months before the date of the AGM.

At an AGM the trustees will request that members:

  • Approve the report for the previous year’s work
  • Approve the accounts
  • Approve the auditors for the coming year
  • Vote on the appointment of new trustees

Terms and Conditions of Membership

  1. Eligibility to join as a member:
    • a. Agrees to the terms and conditions of membership.
    • b. Has submitted an application form.
    • c. Membership approved by the board of trustees at a trustee meeting.
    • d. The Trustees decision is final. Unsuccessful applicants may reapply in 12-months.
  2. Agree to comply with the mission and aims of Accommodation Concern.
  3. Support the work of Accommodation Concern Trustees, staff and volunteers.
  4. Act in the best interest of Accommodation Concern.
  5. Not to cause the association public embarrassment or loss of reputation for example on social media.
  6. Protect Accommodation Concern property.
  7. Follow Accommodation Concern procedures where applicable, such as the complaints procedure and grievance procedure.
  8. Attend meetings when requested or send apologies.
  9. Show utmost courtesy to all Accommodation Concern members, staff, guests and trustees at all times.
  10. The suggested donation/ any cost of membership is to be determined by Trustees annually.

Termination of Membership

Members will automatically lose their membership status if they do not renew their membership within 2 months of the renewal reminder being sent.

Members may have their membership terminated if it is agreed by Trustees that one or more of the terms and conditions of membership have been breached. Other sanctions, such as first and final warnings may be used.

In the event of a complaint about a member

How to make a complaint – per main policy

CEO will review the complaint and decide if any the complaint should be investigated.

If no further action is taken, then the complainant will be written to with the reasons why.

If an investigation is deemed necessary, then the member will be suspended during the investigation and the process followed below.

The trustees will appoint a nominated officer who will contact the member who is subject of the complaint and ask for their account of the complaint in a formal meeting giving 2 weeks’ notice.

The member may have a friend, relative or advocate present in the meeting.

The Trustee will make a recommendation to the next trustee meeting and the subject of the complaint informed in writing.

The complainant will be advised whether the complaint was upheld or not.

The subject of the complaint may appeal the decision to the Chair of Trustees following the process below:

The Chair of Trustees will examine the decision and only agree to a review if new evidence or information has come to light or that initial evidence or testimony has shown not to have been taken into account in the initial investigation. This decision will be given in writing.

If a review of the decision is deemed necessary, then a different trustee will be appointed to reinvestigate the complaint. A report will be prepared for the trustees who will make a final decision.

Grievance procedures

Members may follow the current Accommodation Concern grievance procedure (a copy of which will be made available upon request) which is in place for staff and volunteers if they wish to make a complaint about a member of staff, volunteer or trustee or the association in general.

Grievances will be received by the Trustees (or nominated Trustee) in the first instance who may delegate responsibility to the staff team.

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